Contact IHP
Ready to Book?
Call the girls at the home office on 02 6585 7185 to schedule your trip, find out more about any of our hunting properties, or to list your property.
Or send us a message using the form below - we'll get back to you in double time.

Bobs Creek,
New South Wales - 2443
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open: Monday-Thursday 9.30am-4pm
Open: Friday 9.30am-12pm
Emergency (Please, NO enquiries.)
Michelle 0477 661 741
Please don’t leave arrangements until the last minute.
IHP closes at 12 pm on Friday's, call the mobile if an emergency.
If the office is unattended, make sure you leave a message so it can be passed on to the appropriate person. Property owners are very busy people, so if you are going to be late a quick call to the mobile is much appreciated.
ABN: 63 646 460 174
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